Level 1 nearing completion

Recent work has focused on level 1 and also polishing and sound design for level3. Currently, level 1 is about 90% completed and level3 is 99% completed. Level2 is 1% completed and those are the 3 levels that will be included in the demo. Once all of them reach 100% completion, the demo release will be close. I'll however not yet make any announcement or promise of when the demo release will be... but hopefully very soon!

(As the debug text in the image hints, performance optimization hasn't yet begun.)

Level2 will contain a tutorial, which will be interesting to implement. Why a tutorial in level2? It became more natural, fitting better with the story, to reverse things like that. Level1 will use the usual WSAD controllers and the unarmed player must escape a trap, being surrounded.  This is pretty much standard controllers that anyone who played any other game should be able to do without any instruction. Story wise, the unique gun will come in level2, and that's where a tutorial makes sense. Planning to design a new NPC character, too, for that part. Possibly, just possibly, level2 may get split into 2 levels and level3 then renamed level4 henceforth... let's see, as I get further with the level design and art for level2...

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