Adding decals and improved floor material

Replaced the floor texture with a more shiny one, which I think made things look much better... but a bit TOO shiny. Luckily, adding some decals to add dirt and wear and tear to the floor compensated for the too perfect glossiness.

Some colorful lighting effects in some of the side rooms were also added, to align a bit with the intended cyberpunk feel. The graphics style is probably fairly unique and unlike any other game claiming to be "cyberpunk", but colored light effects is something that I think is mandatory for the genre. I'll need to experiment more with this before I'm completely happy with the results, and these side rooms definitely need some more decorations to look alive, like the main warehouse halls are now starting to do.

Next up, I'll work on the two levels intended to come before the warehouse level. The first level will probably be remade from scratch, since I've learnt so much about modeling since I did the last attempt, and also found much better assets to work with. In fact, I've also learnt a lot about level design by working on the warehouse level, so I'll probably go back to the drawing table and sketch up something on paper first, on how I'd like to organize the map layout for the first level.

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